Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Jacket: Champion | Sports Bra: Champion | Leggings: Champion | Sneakers: Nike | Sunglasses: Ray-Ban

I've found that it's way easier to wear workout clothes to school or just out and about, running errands than it is to wear anything else.  You don't have to try too hard because no matter what, it always come out having one look: sporty.  It just looks like you're coming from or going to the gym! Plus, it's that much easier to work out when I get home from wherever I've been because I don't need to change.  I'm already in my workout clothes!
Recently I went on a little activewear clothing haul at Target because I always pass their activewear department and they have THE CUTEST things.  Leggings, sports bras, so many cute and trendy designs and SO affordable.   I just love Target ::heart eyes::

I'm wearing a few of the things I got above and they're all linked (except for my sneakers, they're a little older and I couldn't find the exact pair, but I linked a super similar pair!)

Also, I'm definitely thinking about doing a fitness routine post soon.  I'm no expert but sharing what I do to try and stay fit and healthy might give some of you ideas or help you out in some way.  Let me know below if there's anything you think I should definitely touch on!

Hope you're all having a great week! :)


1 comment:

  1. I'm wearing a few of the things I got above and they're all linked (except for my sneakers, they're a little older and I couldn't find the exact pair, but I linked a super similar pair!) http://asamilwaukee.org
