Sunday, February 21, 2016


Dress: SheIn | Cardigan: old via Forever 21 - Similar Cardigan Here | Nude Heels: BCBGeneration 

1 year ago today I posted my very first blog post thanks to some very special, very pushy (encouraging) people in my life...and I could not be more grateful!  I feel like I've finally found something I'm passionate about, that motivates me and inspires me everyday.  
Thank you to everyone that's followed along on my fashion and blogging journey this past year and I hope you stick around for all the fun things I have in store for you this year! I've learned so much and I've made some amazing blogger friends along the way who are only a portion of the list of people who have been so unbelievably supportive, positive, and encouraging. 

And a special, SPECIAL thanks to my Momma, who takes all of my pictures and is my number one supporter.  From standing in the rain (while I stood under an awning, eek sorry ma) to walking through 3 feet of snow for the perfect shot.  From dripping sweat in humid heat to freezing ourselves to the bone (and I mean literally, it was 20 degrees and windy and we were outside for a good hour.  We didn't defrost until the next day.) From handing me clothes while I did a quick outfit change in the back of the car and being on a constant lookout to make sure there was no one around to see some weirdo changing in the back of her car, to my constant nagging to take "just take a few more shots!"... She's just the best and I couldn't be more grateful to her for putting up with me.  

For this 1 year bloggiversary (that is a word, look it up) I'm wearing this adorable little white dress from SheIn and it's just the cutest! I love fit and flare dresses so much, they're just such a flattering, classic style.  (I'm usually a medium but this dress runs a little small so I would recommend sizing up) and this one is on sale right now for just under $20!  The material is thick and feels really nice and it's such a perfect dress to accessorize and dress up a bunch (because it's white duh)! I was feeling that whole 'winter white' thing so I kept it neutral. 

Anyway, sorry for carrying on and on and I hope you enjoyed this post! Again, THANK YOU!!




  1. Congratulations!! Having just started now, I know 1 year is a milestone and alot of hard work! So happy and excited for you :) Your mom sounds adorable. You look lovely in this outfit <3

    Monika |

    1. Thank you so much, Monika! You are too sweet!! And yep, she's the best :) Love your blog and love your style!

      xo Athena

  2. Congrats! What a milestone :)

