Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Bikini: TRIANGL | Sunglasses: Ray-Ban

Happy September! I could not be more sad to see summer go.  I feel guilty for even getting excited about fall because I feel like I'm cheating on summer.  The sun, the heat, the water, the long days, salty hair, and tan skin... I'd prefer if we could just go straight to Christmas and right back to summer.  Summer, Christmas, Summer, Christmas.  Yes, that would be perfect. But alas, fall will be here in 9 days and I better just start getting used to it.   I'll get through the winter by dreaming and planning for next summer. And who am I kidding, next summer will be here before I even realize it and I'll be like, WHERE did this year go?!
ANYWAYS, now that I've just written a public love letter to summer, I want to talk about this swim suit!!!! I know, weird time to be posting about it because ya know, 9 days 'til fall.  But it's still warm here and I just got this bikini and I want to talk about it!!!! I got it from TRIANGL and it's even prettier in person.  Didn't ever think I could fall in love with a bikini.  If you've never heard of TRIANGL, then you need to check them out! Their bikini's are made of neoprene, which is the material that is used for scuba suits and it makes for an amazing quality bikini!  Plus I love all the designs from their newest collection, I had THE HARDEST time picking one out.  I mean, they are all so pretty!!  You can find mine here - Delilah in Fiore Nero and I got the Regular Bum (I got the top in medium and the bottom in large.)
And you'll find me in it and next to the pool until the sun and weather of summer aren't keeping me warm anymore.



  1. You look amazing in this swimsuit, Athena! Floral swimsuits are so pretty. If it gets too cold where you are, just pop that bikini is suitcase and head South. ;-) Happy Fall!


  2. You look so beautiful, youthful and radiant 
