Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Hope everyone had an amazing 4th!  This is one of my favorite holidays because I just love how festive everyone gets, dressing up in our country's colors, and I just love the fact that it's summer and everyone's outside bbqing and going to the beach.  
Today we spent the day at the beach and then headed home, freshened up, and headed out for some fireworks and ices.  As we were driving home we saw a bunch of fireworks going off close by in one spot and it turned out they were literally like in the parking lot of my old high school, so we just drove over there real quick and it was awesome! Not only were there fireworks going off at all the houses around the school but you could see them all in the distance over the soccer field because of there was nothing tall enough to block our view.  It was just awesome.  

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed our country's birthday celebrations and had a wonderful day!



  1. Nothing better than some good classy patriotism!✌🎯loving the post ×o×o

  2. Glad you had a fabulous 4th of July, Athena! I love this holiday too for all the reasons you listed and more. :) By the way, you look amazing in these pics! :)

